Types of Vestibular Tests for Dizziness Diagnosis

Jul 20, 2023

When experiencing dizziness, it’s important to determine the underlying cause in order to receive appropriate treatment. Vestibular function tests play a crucial role in diagnosing dizziness related to inner ear issues. Let’s explore some common types of vestibular tests:

Hearing Testing

Hearing testing is often the first step in assessing vestibular function. During this test, you will be equipped with headphones or inserts and placed in a sound-treated room. Your audiologist will play a series of beeping sounds, and your task is to provide feedback on what you hear.

Visual Testing

Visual testing focuses on the coordination between your vision and vestibular system. In this test, you will be asked to track a moving light with your eyes while an audiologist carefully observes your eye movements.

Positional Testing

Positional testing assesses how your vestibular system responds to changes in body position. During this test, you will be asked to track a moving light with your eyes while moving different parts of your body.

Rotary Chair Testing

Rotary chair testing provides a more comprehensive evaluation of your vestibular function. You will be securely fastened to a computerized chair placed in a darkened room. As the chair rotates, infrared goggles will track your eye movements.

Caloric Testing

Caloric testing involves stimulating the vestibular system by introducing warm or cool water or air into the ear canals. Your eye movements will be closely observed as the temperature changes, triggering responses from the vestibular system.

Contact Autumn Oak Speech, Voice & Hearing

If you are experiencing dizziness, it’s important to consult with a qualified audiologist at Autumn Oak Speech, Voice & Hearing who can conduct the appropriate vestibular tests and guide you toward an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment options.